The week of back-and-forth, of uncertainty, of hair-tearing
indecision was finally settled because Marie asked me to stay.
It’s not
that Marie is in charge of my life or anything, but when I told her I might be
going up north with Eliza and Dad, she asked what in the world I would be
needed for up there. In truth, not a lot, because Dad’s never taken my advice
with the business before, so why would that change now? I would be doing the
same work I do here, just in a different place. Then Marie talked about how
she’s still feeling ill from her pregnancy, and how helpful I’ve been with my
nephew, and that she can’t imagine having to go on without me. How can I leave
my sister alone like that? I might have been too ungenerous in my previous
post. Marie is a hypochondriac, but pregnancy is difficult, hypochondriac or
not. It would be insensitive of me to leave her under the circumstances, and I like to be needed. Besides, I never really liked living up north to begin with, and not just
because of the hard time I had up there. It was cold and crowded and noisy—much
different than my quiet little town.
And, in
other news, I’m getting roommates. They’re Charlie’s (my brother-in-law)
sisters. They’re a few years younger than me, and for this blog I’m code naming
them Hannah and Lucy. Hannah is a classically trained singer, who has spent the
past year studying in Paris. From what Charlie’s mom has told me, Hannah would
love to be a Susan Boyle kind of figure, with a classical voice but having a
broad appeal, although for now she has a part in a production in one of the
theatres downtown. Lucy has been away for her undergrad and graduate work, but
has come back home to get her PhD at the local university. They both wanted to
come back into town after years away, but as this area is pricey, they needed
another roommate in order for them to make the finances work. I overheard
Charlie talking about this to Marie, and since I have a two-bedroom apartment,
I offered the extra room to the two girls.
Even though
Hannah and Lucy are a few years younger than me, I’m excited to have roommates
again. I haven’t had one since my undergrad, and so while I’ll have to re-learn
how to live with other people, it might be really great. From what time I’ve
spent around Hannah and Lucy, they seem to be really fun, vibrant people.
Pretty much the exact opposite of me, but I think that contrasting
personalities can do a lot for each other.
Who knows?
Maybe these changes will be just what I need.
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