Monday, September 23, 2013

The New Roommates

            The past week has been eventful. Thursday Eliza and Dad moved up north with their dozens of suitcases and garment bags and hatboxes of clothes and shoes and accessories—enough to fill one small moving van between them. I spent my Friday night moving my home office out of my spare room. I didn’t have much in it but I liked the space because I need an area dedicated to my work to keep me from getting distracted. However, I’ll be able to make do. I donated the desk to Goodwill and put my bookshelves in my living room.

            Then on Saturday, Hannah and Lucy moved in. Charlie and his parents came to help while Marie pleaded morning sickness. Two beds, two dressers, four suitcases, and a dozen boxes later, and everything was in the apartment. That evening I helped them unpack and get settled in, showed them around the kitchen and that sort of stuff. It was nice, hearing about Hannah’s time in Paris and Lucy’s science research, as well as their hopes in their careers in the future. They’re also really into getting high quality clothes at amazing sales, so they would pull out different designer pieces and talk about the amazing deal they got on them. They were very beautiful clothes, but I just never could pull off stuff like they can. They’re both very confident in their bodies, which is great, but I don’t have the courage to show as much skin as they do.

            Then I was all ready to collapse into my usual Saturday night routine: a chick flick, take-out, and ice cream so I can unwind from the work week, followed by some time to listen to my music and think, but Hannah and Lucy are very different from me. They asked me where I wanted to go out tonight. Clubbing or a bar, they said they’re good with either. I had no idea, only that it wasn’t here where everyone is in bed by eight (I’m an animal, I stay up until ten). They ended up calling some high school friends who stayed in the area and got some names of places to go.

            Then I made the mistake of telling them I didn’t really drink. I mean, I’ve had beer…once. And I drink wine at dinners. But I never get drunk and I’m just as happy with a Shirley Temple as a martini. They squealed with delight because that meant they could both go out and drink, and I could be the designated driver, riffling through my closet for something to wear, all before I told them I would go.

            I was exhausted from last week (and you probably remember how last week was for me), but I wanted to get along with Hannah and Lucy and make some sort of change to my life, so I agreed to go. I spent most of the night sitting with a virgin drink, watching Hannah and Lucy take shots and dance with guys, all while thinking I’d rather be listening to something with a piano or guitar than a dubstep.

            Preferences for evening activities aside, I think I’ll get along with Hannah and Lucy. They’re so happy and bubbly that it’s hard not to like them. And I’m sure once they’re in town a bit longer and make more friends, they’ll go to their parties and I’ll be back in my PJs with my romances.


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