Monday, October 7, 2013


            Although Hannah and Lucy’s socializing style doesn’t exactly match up with my own, I’ll give it one thing: it did land me a date. And considering how rare those are for me, that’s pretty amazing.

            I met the man who asked me out at a club, though, so I don’t know how well our two personalities will match. He seems nice, but you know those kinds of people who are perfectly fine, you have no reason to dislike them, and yet you can’t seem to break past small talk? That’s what it was like talking with this guy before he asked me out. Not exactly awkward or annoying, but it’s not really making me look forward to the date. 

            Granted, dating has never really been a forte of mine. These days I can’t really get excited about it. A part of me holds me back, and that makes it hard to get past the initial part of dating. 

            Maybe I should ask Lucy and Hannah for advice, since they seem to have about ten times the dates I usually do, even though they just came back into town two weeks ago. Lucy complains that she’s only gotten dates with sleazeballs and scumbags, while Hannah’s gone on a few dates with a violinist that she asked out herself (I admire her for it; I’d certainly never be able to do that). Hannah’s completely taken by him, and from the little I’ve seen, he seems to be just as taken with her. It’s really sweet, watching Hannah get flustered around him, with those bright eyes of an early relationship. They’re not “official” yet, but I figure it’s only a matter of time. 

            Though, if I were to talk to Hannah and Lucy about dating advice, I do think I’d have to tell them my dating history which would mean…yeah. I don’t think I’m ready to talk to them about that yet.


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